Blog space

Hey guys and gals! thanks for checking out my site :D This section was a requirement for my assessment. I do however have a Medium account which you can check out HERE. It contains all of these articles and more!! I enjoy writing & find that it helps to consolidate my learning on certain things and it's a great way to reflect on my thoughts. 🤓

Bootcamp Begins

eminem from 8 mile staring out the window on a train.

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There’s vomit on his sweater already, Mum’s spaghetti….OK! maybe a little dramatic :P …but making a big!!! change can be nerve racking right!!!?

Veiw the rest of the articleHERE.

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Welcome to the Command line!

Welcome to the command line. Written like lines on a chalk board

What is it ? …. Why do i need to use it ? …. How do i get started ? ….

Im glad you asked !!! To put it simply a CLI or a Command Line Interface, Command Line terminal,Shell ….Whatever floats your boat really! is nothing more than a program that accepts commands for the computer system in the form of a text input.

If you want to create a directory (folder) or a file of just about any type…maybe several at once! you can do it all from the command line. You can copy files and folders redirect them and delete them all from one place. You can even view and change what is in them to some degree especially in regards to text.

It is a common and essential tool for budding Developers to master (Hi Sense 🐱‍👤).

View the rest of the articleHERE.

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How to code from windows….dramatic music….Ba Ba Baaaam…awkward silence…Load Ubuntu (WSL) onto Windows 10.

A windows Logo next to a Ubuntu Logo

Ok i know what your all thinking…but why….🤷‍♂️ Ubuntu on windows 10 here it is…

So i know there are many options available…Why wouldn't you just buy a MAC?…Why not just run Linux?…valid questions!

But if right now you have a windows based system and you DONT! want to run linux but DO! want to learn how to run things like a professional developer and learn how to use the Bash command line terminal instead of Windows Powershell then we can cover how to do that here.

It wont cost a cent! plus your developer tools availability and quality will be worth it.

Veiw the rest of the articleHERE.

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#{How to} De-Bug Your Mind &&[Balance, Life, for, Bootcamp, Success]

A beautiful deserted beach

It was week 1 of Bootcamp and all through the class…
Heads were exploding and people would gasp 😮…
Confusion and panic, it slowly sets in….What am i doing here ?….When will it end !.
But no need to fret…as I’m here to append….
There’s things we can do for our brains my dear friends..
Take a deep breath…please don’t hold despair.
Read the damn blog!…that is all….pear?

To those who it may concern,
As some of you may know I have recently undertaken a life changing adventure into a 6 month intensive Fast track coding Bootcamp.

It has truly been an amazingly inspiring, action packed, full-on & crazy week.

As someone who comes from a completely different background (crane operator/rigger)

I can’t believe that week one of this journey has come to end!!…there was just one problem….

Veiw the rest of the articleHERE.

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My first terminal Application

The home page of my terminal application. Llama Palooza

Hello all my loyal followers! All three of you !! 😂✌

Today marks a glorious moment in my journey from crane Operator to Coder!!!

The submission of my first assignment!!.

We were tasked with creating a terminal application using Ruby. This was designed to challenge and develop our programming fundamental skills and help develop our project management skills.So i did what any man should do....

I wrote a text based Llama vs Sloth Battle game!

oh yes i did!

Veiw the rest of the articleHERE.

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